Monday, August 6, 2012

Texting and Driving Considerations

Who else waits until her spouse arrives at his destination before texting him? I was pondering this today after having been unnerved by the ESPN Euro Cup commercials last month - anyone see them?

A girl is sadly looking into the camera and images cut back and forth as she's talking about her friend. Her friend, it turns out, died in a car crash because she was looking at the text this friend sent her. It was a simple "Hi" or something to that effect.

That left a bone-chilling feeling in me. I realized that every time I send out a text, I could potentially be endangering that person.

Henceforth, I have decided to wait to text my husband right after he leaves the house on his 15-minute trip to work, and text him instead oh, 25 minutes later. This way I can give him a chance to drive and get to his destination unencumbered.

Naturally, I don't have any control Over what other texts he receives from other people during his car trips. What I can do is to remind him that I love him and to be safe while he is on the cellphone in car, and do not text while driving.

When we first got texting services, he made me promise not to text while driving. I'm going even further, and not texting while he is driving either.

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